I love cooking... especially for my friends. However, I never follow recipes, they are usually created along the way. So as I am no big fan of cooking books (there are way too many on the market) and as I often get asked:
"How did you make this?!"

Foodmania will be my own diary from what I consider gastronomical pleasures.

Bon appétit!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Avocado sailaway (2 pers.)

1 avocado ripe
100 g shrimps peeled
1/2 cucumber
3-4 radish
1-2 ts sour cream
1/2 citron

Spices: garlic-salt, sugar, dill

1. Divide an avocado in half and take out the stone. Use a spoon to remove the avocado-meat and mash it with a fork. Squeezed a lemon slice over the mash and add two spoons sour cream, a pinch of sugar, salt and dill to the avocado mash/chutney.
2. Chop radish and cucumber in fine thin slices.
3. Add a few shrimps and a bit of the cut radish and cucumber in the avocado chutney as well.
4. Refill the empty avocado peels with the chutney and decorate the top with cucumber/radish and shrimps.

The eighties are back!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Summer tomato and zucchini lasagne

1 zucchini (shredded)
6 tomatoes (sliced)
1/2 onion chopped
2 cloves garlic (chopped fine)

1 ts salt

3 eggs
6 tbs cottage cheese
5 tbs floor
5 tbs grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 ts pepper

Mix the shredded zucchini with 1 ts salt and let it lay for 7-10 min before pressing out the water. Mix eggs and floor until lump-free and add cottage and Parmesan cheese into the mix and add pepper and some Provence herbs if you have to the mix.

Place tomatoes and zucchini (now mixed with garlic and onion) in layers (2 layers of tomato with on zucchini layer in between) in an olive oil oiled (26 cm diameter round/square 20x35 cm form). Bake in the oven on 200 degrees for 30 minutes or until golden.

Perfect to serve with fresh dark bread and smocked salmon with a light salad! Summer time!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Strawberry summer with love

Cooling strawberry dream cake - prefect, light dreamy...

500 g strawberries
2 packages of strawberry flavored jelly-powder (10 dl jelly)
1 ready made sponge-cake bottom

1. Make the jelly with 60% of the water stated on the package
2. Cut the strawberries in half and place them in a wanted form (round max 24 cm diameter)
3. When the jelly mix has cooled down a bit pour 2/3 over the berries
4. Place the sponge-cake on top and pour the rest of the jelly mix over the sponge cake till it is covered
5. Place the form in the fridge over night
6. Before dinner, place the form (shortly! max 30 sec) in a hot water bath and place a plate on over the top and turn it (it should slip nicely out of the form)

Place it in the fridge until served and enjoy it with some nice vanilla-yogurt or ice-cream!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fried rice

My secret friend's recipe... (for two)

1 1/2 cup pre-boiled rice
2 Tbs butter
1 egg
5 slices sliced turkey ham
1 can (small) mushrooms chopped
1/2 onion sliced
1 green paprika
1 pinch pepper
2 Tbs ready sweet chili sauce

Frye all the veggies first in some sauce. Then add the rice and egg.

Add soy sauce for taste.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Salmon paté

Wonderful in summertime and reminds me of home.

5 slices smoked salmon
500 g salmon
3 eggs
3 dl cream
1 Tbs potato flour
1 pk crab-sticks
200 g frozen spinach (press out the water)
fresh herbs (dill, chervil, chives)
Pepper and salt

1. Place the 5 smoked salmon pieces in a oiled bread form.
2. Cut the salmon in pieces and add the cream, eggs, potato flour and salt/pepper. Use a hand held mixer to make a smooth mass of the fish. Then place one third of the mass in the form.
3. Take out 8 big spoons of the mass and mix in the herbs and spinach. Place half of the green mass in the form, then place the crab-stick in the center of the green in a double row and cover them with the rest of the green mass.
4. Fill the pink mass on top.
5. Cover the for with aluminum foil and place it in a water bath in the oven on 180 degrees for 55 minutes.

Perfect to serve with a good salad with cucumbers, new potatoes and a yogurt dressing with herbs.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Banana bread

Banana bread with figs or dates is a wonderful an health alternative to a muffin of other sweet cakes on a Sunday morning. Excellent with some good jam!

3 very ripe bananas (must have brown spots)
3 cups flour
1/2 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup milk (or Soy milk)
1/2 ts cinnamon
1 ts vanilla sugar (optional)
1 ts baking powder
1 handful of chopped figs (walnuts or dates can be used)
1 egg (optional)

1. Mosh the bananas with a fork and mix in all the ingredients
2. Place it in a smeared bread form
3. In the oven for approximately 30 min on 180 degrees until golden

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fruits of the Forest Yogurt Cake

A fresh and light delight for nice long and sunny summer days.

500 ml forest fruit yogurt
100 g cottage cheese
1 big handful of frozen berries mix (or raspberries)
5-6 plates gelatin dissolved in hot water (approx. 1 dl)

6-7 digestive biscuits crushed (NOR: Bixit FR/BE: Lu Petit Déjeune GER: Leibniz Vollkorn)
50 g dark chocolate melted
1 Tbs butter melted

1. Melt the gelatin in hot water in a kettle and stir to avoid lump.
2. Pour the yogurt and cheese into the gelatin mix while stirring with a hand-held mixer.
3. Mix the crushed biscuits and the melted butter-chocolate mix together and place in at the bottom of a cake-form.
4. Pour in the yogurt mix and place it in the refrigerator till the jelly has coagulated.

To be served with hot coffee, fresh berries and if you want cream or vanilla ice cream...