I love cooking... especially for my friends. However, I never follow recipes, they are usually created along the way. So as I am no big fan of cooking books (there are way too many on the market) and as I often get asked:
"How did you make this?!"

Foodmania will be my own diary from what I consider gastronomical pleasures.

Bon appétit!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Avocado sailaway (2 pers.)

1 avocado ripe
100 g shrimps peeled
1/2 cucumber
3-4 radish
1-2 ts sour cream
1/2 citron

Spices: garlic-salt, sugar, dill

1. Divide an avocado in half and take out the stone. Use a spoon to remove the avocado-meat and mash it with a fork. Squeezed a lemon slice over the mash and add two spoons sour cream, a pinch of sugar, salt and dill to the avocado mash/chutney.
2. Chop radish and cucumber in fine thin slices.
3. Add a few shrimps and a bit of the cut radish and cucumber in the avocado chutney as well.
4. Refill the empty avocado peels with the chutney and decorate the top with cucumber/radish and shrimps.

The eighties are back!

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