I love cooking... especially for my friends. However, I never follow recipes, they are usually created along the way. So as I am no big fan of cooking books (there are way too many on the market) and as I often get asked:
"How did you make this?!"

Foodmania will be my own diary from what I consider gastronomical pleasures.

Bon appétit!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Salmon paté

Wonderful in summertime and reminds me of home.

5 slices smoked salmon
500 g salmon
3 eggs
3 dl cream
1 Tbs potato flour
1 pk crab-sticks
200 g frozen spinach (press out the water)
fresh herbs (dill, chervil, chives)
Pepper and salt

1. Place the 5 smoked salmon pieces in a oiled bread form.
2. Cut the salmon in pieces and add the cream, eggs, potato flour and salt/pepper. Use a hand held mixer to make a smooth mass of the fish. Then place one third of the mass in the form.
3. Take out 8 big spoons of the mass and mix in the herbs and spinach. Place half of the green mass in the form, then place the crab-stick in the center of the green in a double row and cover them with the rest of the green mass.
4. Fill the pink mass on top.
5. Cover the for with aluminum foil and place it in a water bath in the oven on 180 degrees for 55 minutes.

Perfect to serve with a good salad with cucumbers, new potatoes and a yogurt dressing with herbs.

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