I love cooking... especially for my friends. However, I never follow recipes, they are usually created along the way. So as I am no big fan of cooking books (there are way too many on the market) and as I often get asked:
"How did you make this?!"

Foodmania will be my own diary from what I consider gastronomical pleasures.

Bon appétit!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fried rice

My secret friend's recipe... (for two)

1 1/2 cup pre-boiled rice
2 Tbs butter
1 egg
5 slices sliced turkey ham
1 can (small) mushrooms chopped
1/2 onion sliced
1 green paprika
1 pinch pepper
2 Tbs ready sweet chili sauce

Frye all the veggies first in some sauce. Then add the rice and egg.

Add soy sauce for taste.